Of Monsters And Men @ Niceto - Buenos Aires.

Of Monsters And Men es una banda que conocí allá por el 2013 cuando se presentaron por primera vez en Argentina en un festival junto a Franz Ferdinand y Major Lazer. Desde ese dia creo que se convirtieron en una de mis bandas favoritas de todos los tiempos, y al enterarme que se iban a presentar en el Lolla me emocioné mucho... Hasta que vi que tocaban a la misma hora que Halsey. En ese momento y muy a las apuradas decidí comprar entradas para su sideshow, ya que no quería perdermelos. Este post es un poco mi experiencia en el show. 

Fue un show completísimo, vinieron a presentar su segundo álbum Beneath The Skin, uno de mis favoritos del 2015. OMAM es una banda que tiene un sonido armonioso y llamativo. Definitivamente es una de esas bandas que recomiendo todo el tiempo.
Fui con mi cámara pero traté de sacar pocas fotos y dedicarme a disfrutar el show. Niceto es un lugar intimo, y en mi opinión fue ideal para la banda.
I found Of Monsters And Men around 2013, when they came to my country to play in a festival alongside Franz Ferdinand and Major Lazer. Since that day they've become one of my favourite bands of all time. You can imagine how happy I was when I found they were coming once again to be at Lollapalooza Argentina. That until I saw they were at the same time as Halsey. That was the moment I decided to buy tickets to their sideshow because I wasn't prepared to miss their show. I think it was the best decision!
It was an amazing show, they came to present their second album Beneath The Skin, one of my favourite albums of 2015. OMAM is a band that has a wonderful sound live. It's definitely one of those bands I can't stop recommending them.
I took my camera with me but I've tried to take just a few pictures and try and enjoy the show. Niceto is such an intimate place and it was perfect for them.

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Si tienen ganas de seguir procrastinando (?) les recuerdo que tenemos otros posts relacionados con el Lollapalooza Argentina, que los encuentran en estos links! /  If you'd like to keep procrastinating, you can also check out our other Lollapalooza posts in these links!

My Playlist #LollaAr #LollaAr Full Review  #MateAndLolla Day 1 - #MateAndLolla Day 2 

Of Monsters and Men Setlist Niceto Club, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2016, Beneath the Skin
I Hope you all have a lovely weekend and don't forget to check us on → Facebook, Twitter & Bloglovin’!


  1. Hey :) check out my new blog post! What do you think about it? Xx

  2. Me encanto el show que dieron en el lolla y fue una pena perderme el que hicieron en Niceto! Pero la verdad es que transmiten una vibra re relajada y no se, sali mas feliz cuando termine de ver su show, son increibles la verdad! Me encanto el post, como siempre :)


  3. I did a shout out to you in my latest post!
    Daisy x

  4. Oh I LOVE Monsters and Men! I've never seen them live, but I hope to some day!


  5. Oh cool! They sound amazing, this is the second time i've seen them live, and it's an amazing experience <3 xx

  6. Oh thanks so much! I'll check it out now :) xx

  7. I am obsessed with Of Monsters and Men! Great blog post darling.

    Dakota D.

  8. I love Monsters of Men and Franz Ferdinand - I'm glad you had a nice time! I can't wait to read more of your blog :) xx


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