TOP 5: Most Wanted Albums of 2016.

Looks like 2016 will be a great year for music! And because of that, i'd love to show you guys the 5 albums i'm most looking forward to get this year - Besides, there's some rumours about a few artists that might release something later this year so it might be a Part two for this section!

*Fingers Crossed*

I'll take this chance also to ask you all, do you like this kind of posts? Let me know in the comments! Maybe i'll do more of this stuff !

2016 promete ser un gran año para la musica! No podia dejar pasar la oportunidad para mostrarles los cinco cds que espero con más ansias de este año - Además hay algunos artistas que se rumorea que podrian llegar a sacar nuevo material, asi que seguramente haya una segunda parte para este post. *cruza los dedos*

Aprovecho para pedirles que, si les gusta este tipo de posts, me comenten! Quizas más adelante podría hacer otros TOP5 relacionados !

This one comes out tomorrow! It doesn't feel like it's been almost three years since their last album, but i'm really excited to listen to their new material! This is a band that has been through a lot of changes but i'm a fan since the beginning so i know i'll probably love it.

Este disco sale mañana! Parece mentira que pasaron casi tres años desde su ultimo album, estoy muy entusiasmada por escuchar su nuevo material. Esta es una banda que pasó por muchos cambios pero soy fan desde sus comienzos, asi que seguramente me va a gustar.

A few years ago i was a big K-Pop fan, but time has passed and i stopped listening to most of it. But not Bigbang! This year we're getting their third studio album and i really can't wait to see what's going on with them!

Hace un par de años escuchaba mucho K-pop, pero con el pasar del tiempo dejé de escuchar a muchos grupos. Algunos los sigo hasta hoy, ¡como Bigbang! que esta por sacar su tercer album de estudio y la verdad me entusiasma muchisimo!

Also known as the 'Title almost as long as a FOB or PATD song' 

This is a band i found thanks to a friend's recommendation and i immediately fell in love with their sound. This year we're getting I Like It When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet so Unaware Of It. (Jeez that's freaking long!) and apparently it sounds more mature and renovated. Can't wait to listen to it!

Esta es una banda que descubrí el año pasado gracias a una recomendación de una amiga, y la verdad que me enamoré de su sonido. Este año vamos a tener la suerte de escuchar nuevo material de la banda, mucho más maduro y renovado.

The grandpas are back! (I mean really what the hell is happening with the clothes? They should fire the Image consultant, seriously.)

I am both excited and terrified to see what's going on with these two, i don't know how their sound can mutate into something better but i trust their talents... I think... I hope.

Si! Los abuelos volvieron! (Real, de que venta de garage sacaron esta ropa? Hay que despedir al asesor de imagen. (?)) 

Estoy contenta y ansiosa por ver que es lo que van a sacar, en que manera va a mutar el estilo del duo. La ropa y el pelo no me venden NADA pero confio en sus respectivos talentos para hacer algo bueno... Espero...

Apparently this year we'll have a Gorillaz new album! We don't know anything official but it's a strong rumour. I really can't wait to listen new stuff from them. Damon doesn't stop!

Se supone que este año vuelve Gorillaz! Y Estoy muy ansiosa por ver que van a sacar. Aunque no tenemos noticias ni nada, sabemos que deben estar cerca de volver.... Damon no para!

This is my Top five! Do you have any albums that you're expecting this year? Let me know in the comments!

I'll get you a new post on the weekend about books!

¿Tienen un album que esten esperando con ansias? Si es asi, cuentenme en los comentarios!

¡El fin de semana les traigo un post relacionado a mis lecturas para el año!


  1. I love bigbang. great post anyway.

    would you like to follow each other on GFC & G+? If you follow me,
    I will follow you back after it.

  2. My best friend is super excited for the new album of 1975 so I get you! This was a really fun post to read :)

  3. Well, to be honest I'm not an "album" person .. I totally prefer to listen one music from one band, other from other band ..

    I'm following you on GFC .. Follow me back? =)

  4. Great post! thanks for sharing, this is super fun to read. Do you want to support each others blog by following each other? Please let me know so I can follow you right back:)


  5. sure we can follow each other, following you now, waiting for you on my blog :)

  6. I love Gorillaz, hope they come out with a new album! xx

  7. Me encanto tu post :D, gracias por tu comentario en mi blog !!
    Ya te sigo linda


  8. OMO! OMO! Bigbang is my favorite group band ^^ And I still collect money to buy the album!~ Thanks for sharing ^^

    Would we follow each other on GFC And G+?
    Please Let me know If you follow me, I’ll follow back!

    Love xx
    Official Seol ♥

  9. ay soy una colgada con nombres de bandas y cds, conozco pocas
    quizás conozco canciones y ahí me quede!
    yo estoy esperando que en marzo viene Maroon 5 jipi
    besos !

  10. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  11. I like your blog, its really dope.
    Do you want to follow each other?
    If you want, than follow me, and let me know in comments, so I can follow you back with pleasure.

    We can follow each other on Instagram @andjela.dujovic, let me know in the comments so I can follow you back.

  12. I follow you now #22
    Follow me on instagram @andjela.dujovic, let me know in the comments so I can follow you back.

  13. Hey :) You wanted to support each other. I already followed you. Great blog btw! I love your posts.


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